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Written bySaien Benjamin

Raw, honest, and relatable. – Tricia Patras, Music and Fashion

Brandon Grant is a Cape Town-based singer-songwriter and live looping artist. Having played at many different venues locally and abroad, he brings a charismatic and dynamic solo performance to any setting. Using his trusty acoustic guitar, vocals, bass, and loop pedal setup, Brandon builds his songs from scratch, right in front of the crowd.

“I started out music, as most do, just playing guitar and singing my favourite covers.”

Fast forward and Brandon has seen himself open for some of South Africa’s biggest acts, such as Prime Circle, Jeremy Loops, Matthew Mole, Majozi, Shortstraw and Spoegwolf. He describes his sound as indie folk blended with a unique contemporary soul edge. Brandon mixes his sets up between his expressive originals and upbeat popular covers, flipped with his unique sound.

“I guess it all started the way it does for a lot of creatives. You find yourself staring down the barrel of the rest of your life and you just can’t picture yourself going down the rat-race rabbit hole… So, to cut a long story short, in the midst of gazing into the deep blue of young adulthood, I chose the nearest thing to me that I loved, and that I’d loved consistently for a long time. Music.”

‘With You’ is a self-explaining song. A song capturing the feeling one gets when they’re with the person, or people, they love. Be it partners, best friends or family members. As a storyteller Brandon is able to convey real and raw narratives that remind us what it is to be human. His ability to deliver relatable lyrics brings an element of classic folk paired with an indie twist, in a pure South African style. ‘With You’ is a  nostalgic dip into the moments we cherish within the love and contempt that we are so often surrounded by.

“With You not only solidifies Brandon’s position as an emerging talent, but also invites listeners to lose themselves in the rich layers of his music, creating a listening experience that transcends borders and genres.” – Leonardo Skinner, Music For All