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Written byAziza Toeffie

A Journey Through The Multiverse of Oneself.

There are very few concepts that captivate the imagination like the idea of parallel universes. Blake Crouch’s novel “Dark Matter,” is a thrilling exploration of this concept, and has been a standout since its publication in 2016. Now, fans of the novel have a new reason to celebrate: the TV series adaptation of “Dark Matter” has made its debut on Apple TV+. At its core, “Dark Matter” is a story about choices and their consequences, identity, and the nature of reality. The novel follows Jason Dessen (Joel Edgerton), a physicist-turned-college-professor who is abducted and wakes up in a world that is not his own.

In this alternate reality, Jason is not a college professor but a celebrated scientific genius who has achieved the impossible: creating a way to travel between parallel universes. As Jason navigates this new world, he must confront the choices he has made and the life he has lost, all while trying to find a way back to his original reality where his wife, Daniela (Jennifer Connelly), and son, Charlie (Oakes Fegley) live. 

“At its core, “Dark Matter” is a story about choices and their consequences, identity, and the nature of reality.”

The TV series adaptation, released May 2024, stays true to the novel’s premise while expanding its universe for the screen. Apple TV+ has brought together a talented cast and crew to breathe life into Crouch’s intricate and compelling narrative. Now, when I tell you this shit had me at the edge of my seat, clutching on to every plot twist as if this world was all I ever knew and never wished to know otherwise, believe me.

One word – brilliance.

You’re sort of pulled in with this stunning and intricate visual masterpiece from the get go. The cinematography is nothing short of spectacular, and brings the concept of the multiverse to life in a way that feels both grand and intimate. Each universe Jason travels to is crafted in a way that makes it impossible not to get lost in the possibilities. And while that alone took me on my own journey out of reality, what sets “Dark Matter” apart from other sci-fi thrillers is its emotional core.

While the series delivers on the action and suspense, it’s the exploration of themes like identity, choice, and love that truly resonated with me. The series poses profound questions: What if you could see the different paths your life could have taken? How do our choices define us? Can we ever truly escape our past? These are all questions that I believe we’ve asked ourselves at least once in our lives.

But what stuck out to me most is the fact that every universe you enter is a result of your own mind, which means that you ultimately have the power to control where you end up. Isn’t that the kind of truth that many of us struggle to accept? It made me wonder just how much control I have over my own thoughts and feelings in the real world. Let’s not forget the fact that Jason, or an alternate version of him, was put up against himself in multiple different versions of reality, which to me, seemed like a testament to how we can often stand in our own way of creating the future that we truly want. 

“The series poses profound questions: What if you could see the different paths your life could have taken? How do our choices define us? Can we ever truly escape our past? These are all questions that I believe we’ve asked ourselves at least once in our lives.”

While the original Jason fights to find his way back home, his imposter self takes his place, and while things seem like the dream life for Jason 2.0, the novelty soon starts to wear off, and he finds that he doesn’t quite fit in this world the way he’d hoped. Buying into the fact that no matter how hard we try, there is no version of reality where we ‘fit in’ if we aren’t truly ourselves. You simply cannot be someone or something you’re not, and being true to yourself is the ultimate key to being happy – at least to me anyway.

These themes are handled with nuance, making the series not just a thrilling watch but also a deeply moving one. Watching “Dark Matter” was not just an entertaining experience, but a thought-provoking journey that stayed with me long after the credits rolled. It made me ponder the very essence of my existence and the choices that have shaped my life. In Jason Dessen’s struggle to find his way home, I saw reflections of my own desires, regrets, and the ever-present question of “what if?”.

The series compelled me to appreciate the life I have, with all its imperfections and missed opportunities, as a unique and precious reality that I alone inhabit. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend this extraordinary exploration of the multiverse. Trust me, it’s a journey worth taking. And as you watch, I hope you, too, find yourself reflecting on the paths you’ve taken and those you’ve left behind, and come away with a deeper appreciation for the life you’re living now.

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