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Written bySaien Benjamin

Mosez Jonez’s “Safe In Solitude” soothes like a warm mug of tea on a cold winter’s evening.

The ethereal Bedroom Pop “Safe In Solitude” is the titular track of Montreal-based Alternative artist and producer Mosez Jones’ debut album which dropped on Saturday. When I first listened to this track after being sent it on Submithub (A really cool platform that connects artists with playlists and music publications), I was immediately entranced by the dreamy synth-driven production. The track opens with entrancing synth lines, a driving drum pattern and haunting Imogen Heap-esque backing vocals. Soon after delicate piano is introduced as Mosez hums melodically immediately adding a lovely sense of fullness to the soundscape. Mosez’s richly textured vocals then come in with a delicate rasp that conveys a weight of emotion.

The track explores a period of Mosez’s life where he had hit rock bottom and was isolating himself from the world but ultimately by pouring all his time into music he was able to turn this hardship into something beautiful. I really resonated with the themes as I have also seen the fruits that can be borne by using times of hardship to focus on your passion and ignore the rest of the world when most else feels too overwhelming. I’m sure many of you who have gone through similar mental health struggles and been able to come out the other side stronger will also relate to the themes that “Safe In Solitude” explores.

Mosez was born in Philadelphia before moving to Montreal at a young age, where he spent the rest of his childhood. From an early age, he found that he could best express himself through poetry and storytelling in what which would prove to be a signifier of where his future would lie. Being homeschooled for most of his school years he soaked in the wide range of music his parents would play which included Funk, Jazz, Soul and Rock. These influences would go on to have a lasting impact which can be seen in Mosez’s diverse sound today which incorporates sounds from Alternative, Hip-Hop, Soul, and Bedroom Pop. Since announcing himself to the world with the release of his debut single “Redfern“, Moses has received widespread acclaim for tracks such as “Paperview“,  “PB  & J” and “Birknbagz“.

Mosez’s development as an artist over the past six years has been impressive, continually refining his sound and bringing in different elements to create a style that is distinctively his own. I am intrigued to see where he goes next in what has already been such an impressive musical journey so far. If you enjoy boundary-pushing Alternative artists such as Still Woozy, Kevin Abstract and Jean Dawson then I highly recommend you check Mosez Jones out and give “Safe In Solitude” a listen.

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