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“Authenticity” – truth to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.

Tell us a bit about you?
Fractals was always the end goal of a lot of personal goals. It was a step by step process of finding the people that I thought were my musical soul mates and watching them love the ideas I brought forward. Ray and I started playing music together in 2016; it was very early in the process of becoming a good enough writer to take myself seriously but he brought a lot of challenge and growth to me in being the first person to force me to grow as a performer in a band setting. Steve had been playing with Ray in another band so when we found ourselves lacking a bassist – he was the obvious choice – I didn’t realise at the time that one of South Africa’s best bassists was agreeing to get involved in the process and come along for the ride. That realisation dawned on me about four rehearsals in when it felt like he was always playing the perfect piece, like he really understood what I was trying to say. Liam was a crucial part of the growth of melody and harmony in the band as well before he sadly had to part ways. All in all, it’s been a culmination of growth in all of us and how we affected one another’s growth.

What inspires you/your work?
Growing up I found myself seeing the realistic sides of life a bit too early on and music was really a surprise when it came in and showed me that there was good and connection in the world. It made me realise that I wanted to bring to people what music brought to me, peace of mind and due process. We have all used music to go through things: to heal, to consolidate and to lift our spirits when we need it most. We just want to give that to people if they want it or need it.

What is your favourite medium?
Music has been the thing that makes my heart beat faster all my life, we want to make a lot of music and create a lot of art with people.

What is your creative process?
I (Jonathan) would write the songs and bring them to the band to see if anything stuck or gelled, it pretty much always does somehow. This ability to trust that they were going to understand the idea and feel it with me has lead me to a point of really confident writing knowing the extent of the musical possibilities they allow for. Ray and Steve have very much shaped me into the writer I am today.

What is the funniest/most interesting thing you have experienced as an artist?
The most empowering/interesting thing of our career so far has definitely been the realisation that people coming to the shows or listening to the songs all just want to feel a human connection of some sort. That’s what music is to me, it’s the thing that shows us just how similar we really are at the end of the day and maybe if we spent more time focusing on how we’re similar and not how we’re different, people could be happier. I guess in a long convoluted way we want to make people happy.

If you have attended any exhibitions (live performances, markets, galleries and the like), which has been the greatest impression upon you as a creative and why?
Authenticity, there is so much influence on artists nowadays and being able to see a fresh concept or idea through the influence is what really stands out to me

Where would you like your art to take you?
As far as it can, so we can meet as many people as possible and connect with as many people as possible. Be it at the shows (Once normality is restored) or through knowing they are listening.

What is your purpose as an artist?
We just want to give people what music gives us, so that it’s there if they need it. We want to show people they aren’t always alone in a certain way of thinking or a certain way of processing something.

Authenticity is also a notion that springs to mind when you encounter the trio that is @fractalsmusic.

Fractals first started making magic together way back in 2016 and have been climbing their way up the musical ladder playing gigs all over Cape Town.
Boasting a combination of one of SA’s most dynamic bassists, a true-to-self lyricist, and guitar riffs that’ll make your ears swoon, Fractals are the natural culmination of where music in SA should be heading.

Fractals have been heating up music platforms recently with their latest album “Part One” (do yourself a favour and give it a listen).

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