Females and Freedom; the Forbidden Duo. CommunitySpotlightsTopical Females and Freedom; the Forbidden Duo. "Women's freedom is the sign of social freedom." ~ Rosa Luxemburg The sickly white lights…Gulshan Pirie StodelJune 29, 2022
The Great Debate: Does Spotify Help or Hinder Artists? ArtCommunityCultureLifestyleMusicTopical The Great Debate: Does Spotify Help or Hinder Artists? "Humans are intrinsically artistic creatures. Art weaves itself into most facets of our existence" Humans…Nicholas TrethowanFebruary 15, 2022
Mental Health In SA: Be Kind Always ArtCommunityCultureLifestyleTopical Mental Health In SA: Be Kind Always “The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk…Nicholas TrethowanFebruary 13, 2022
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ArtCommunityMusicPoetryTopical Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth "Hip-hop is about the human condition; it's about people's lives." - Immortal Technique In this…Nicholas TrethowanFebruary 1, 2022
It’s Not Personal, It’s Cynical CommunityLifestyleTopical It’s Not Personal, It’s Cynical “Trivia quiz aside, satire is misunderstood and vilinised when in reality, it is one of…Indio FriedmannJanuary 30, 2022
The Language of Memes ArtCommunityCultureLifestyleTopical The Language of Memes "In a time of relative isolation, it was a saving grace. I was able to…Hannah MitchellJanuary 6, 2022
The Art of Being Alternative Topical The Art of Being Alternative "There is a purpose and, most importantly, a passion behind what we create; a meaning…Christian StainesNovember 26, 2021
There Ain’t No Ground Like Underground CommunityTopical There Ain’t No Ground Like Underground Between Friday and Sunday, while the law struggles to find its eyes, there exists the…Nicholas TrethowanOctober 1, 2021