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Written byAziza Toeffie

Illustrated bySarah Dyson

The Power and Peril of AI and social media in history & politics.

In the digital age, a single image can speak volumes. One such image that has recently stirred the hearts and minds of many across the globe is the now-viral AI Image titled “All Eyes on Rafah.” This striking visual, shared widely on Instagram, has not only spotlighted the devastating realities faced by the people of Rafah but has also sparked a heated debate about the nature of activism in the digital era. 

Seeing your home crumble to dust before your eyes is a devastation few can truly comprehend, yet this is the harsh reality that many Palestinians face daily. Without the advancements in technology and the reach of social media, the world might remain oblivious to their plight. However, as artificial intelligence continues to revolutionise our lives, it’s all too easy to become distracted and disconnected from the urgent, real-world issues that demand our attention. 

All Eyes on Rafah 

If you keep up with current affairs, you’ve likely encountered the AI-generated “All Eyes on Rafah image that has been making waves on social media. This image, depicting an AI-generated desert with perfectly uniform tents surrounding its text, has been shared by over 47 million users, including myself. 

The surge in shares came in the wake of a tragic Israeli strike that massacred 45 displaced Palestinians, including women and children, who had sought refuge in a camp in Rafah. This horrific event, dubbed ‘The Tent Massacre,’ saw disturbing footage of the actual attack circulating widely on social media. This tragedy pushed the AI image into viral status, amplifying its reach and impact. 

The image is a haunting reminder of the ongoing genocide happening in Palestine. It brings light to the struggles of civilians caught in the crossfire, the shattered lives, and the relentless resilience of those who refuse to give up hope. As this image circulated, it demanded global attention and raised some type of awareness to those who’ve been blind to the truth. 

However, the virality of such images also raises important questions. Is the widespread sharing of this particular image a genuine act of solidarity, or does it border on performative activism? In an era where social media is a dominant force, the line between meaningful engagement and superficial involvement can become blurred.

Is the widespread sharing of this particular image a genuine act of solidarity, or does it border on performative activism?

Performative Activism vs. Activism 

Performative activism, often seen as actions taken more for social recognition than for genuine advocacy, is a critical issue in any context when it comes to social injustice. When influencers and everyday users alike share such images, are they truly committed to the cause, or are they merely seeking to enhance their social capital? 

As the image was reshared by millions, many who have stood steady in their stance for Palestine began to call out users who’ve remained silent up until the image began to trend. How could such a deeply sensitive and emotive topic be reduced to a quick reshare of something that isn’t even real? Visual activism is meant to make distant suffering feel immediate and personal, however, something generated through AI can seem impersonal. I say this fully knowing that I too, shared the image, however, am not blind to the realities that Palestinians face, and have never been. 

“Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone and get acquainted with that feeling. Reposting is not enough anymore.” – Alana Hadid 

While it’s unfair to paint all online activism with the same brush, it’s essential to acknowledge that genuine activism involves sustained efforts, informed discussions, and tangible actions beyond the digital sphere. It requires a deep commitment to understanding the issues, amplifying marginalised voices, and supporting on-the-ground efforts to bring about change. It is not simply another black square to share to your feed or a more palatable image to look at rather than a brutal reality. 

With so many Palestinian journalists risking their lives to report what is actually happening around them, it’s easy to see how any AI images can seem like digital erasure. This is why visuals play such a huge part in understanding the truth about war in the world. 

The Impact of the Visuals of War 

Visuals have always played a crucial role in shaping public perception during wartime. From haunting photographs of the Vietnam War to the graphic images from wars in Syria, visuals have the power to evoke strong emotions and shift public opinion. 

In war-torn regions, where access to unbiased information can be limited, images become vital tools for advocacy and awareness. They can cut through propaganda, reveal truths, and hold those in power accountable. However, the impact of these images depends largely on how they are used and interpreted by the global audience. 

The truth is, we’d always prefer to look at things that are appealing or easier to digest because it simply avoids a challenge many of us are not willing to take. The challenge being to check our

privilege, see things for what they truly are and understand the position we’re in in these types of situations. 

I could just ‘turn it off’ or create an artificial reality that allows me to continue living in a comfort that Palestine, Congo, Sudan and many war-plagued areas have been stripped of. So yeah, while it’s totally okay to share art, drawings, paintings and even some AI images to raise awareness, it’s also important to share the realness of it – the world we live in is a cruel one, and the best we can do is to simply not look away. 

“So yeah, while it’s totally okay to share art, drawings, paintings and even some AI images to raise awareness, it’s also important to share the realness of it – the world we live in is a cruel one, and the best we can do is to simply not look away.” 

Censorship: Don’t Look Away 

Censorship is another critical issue tied to the dissemination of war images. Governments and powerful entities often control the narrative by restricting media access and censoring content that exposes their actions. 

While the “All Eyes on Rafah” image widely circulated, most content shared about Gaza, Congo or Sudan somehow ‘violated’ community guidelines, and social media accounts were shadow-banned for standing up for what’s right. This only brings up the blatant ignorance, fear-mongering and suppression by those who wish to control the narrative. 

Social media platforms play a pivotal role in this dynamic. Their content moderation policies, driven by a mix of automated systems and human judgement, can sometimes inadvertently stifle important voices and critical perspectives. This ongoing battle for truth highlights the need for robust protections for freedom of expression and the ethical responsibility of social media companies in the digital age. 

What Can YOU do? 

The “All Eyes on Rafah” image serves as a potent reminder of the power and peril of visuals in our interconnected world. It challenges us to look beyond our screens and consider the real impact of our digital actions. Are we engaging in meaningful activism, or are we merely performing for an audience? Are we amplifying the voices of those in need, or are we drowning them out with our noise? 

Turn awareness into action. Let us support those on the front lines and educate ourselves and others about Israel’s genocide on Palestine. Use our platforms to advocate for lasting change. While we’re able to go back to ‘normal’ living, the reality is not the same for those suffering around us and it’s so easy to just forget about it. Don’t stop talking about it, speak up, stand for what’s true, protest and use the voice and power you have in the position you’re in to bring change. 

Something as simple as changing a perspective is enough to steer one in the right direction, it’s enough to challenge the system and somewhat make a difference. Your voice matters, your influence matters, and to those in power who believe they’ve erased Palestine, have only put Palestine in the hearts of the entire world. Keep fighting for what’s right – don’t let the sheets that

make up their homes today be the same ones covering their lifeless bodies to their graves tomorrow. 

From The River To The Sea 

Palestine Will Be Free. 


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Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund


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